Friday, March 28, 2025

Convert Number to Words in Excel:

number2words( enter_number )
Example: number2words( 123 ) // Returns Ps ;o t}O;
Returns the result in preeti font
number2words_preeti( enter_number, show_units )
Example: number2words_preeti( 123 ) // Returns Ps ;o t}O;
Returns the result in preeti font. Here show_units is optional and set to false by default; Shows paisa count if set to true.
number2words_unicode( enter_number, show_units )
Example: number2words_unicode( 123 ) // Returns एक सय तेइस रुपैंया
Returns the result in unicode. Here show_units is optional and set to false by default; Shows paisa count if set to true.
number2words_english( enter_number, show_units )
Example: number2words_english( 123 ) // Returns One Hundred and Twenty Three
Returns the result in nepali system ( crore, lakh, thousand ). Here show_units is optional and set to false by default; Shows paisa count if set to true.